Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Not Just A Duck


When you file an Aflac claim, the cash benefits bypass the doctor and medical facilities, unless assigned otherwise, and go straight to you. No need for middleducks! http://bit.ly/1mRFRdd

I am sure you have seen the commercials... they always involve a duck and as the people talk about how they get cash for their claims you hear the duck saying Aflac!

Do you really understand what it is this commercial is saying? I talk to people every day and when I ask them what they know about how Aflac I tend to hear the same thing, "That is the duck!"

That is the extent of most people's knowledge. Sometimes they go even further and tell me they know it pays when you are hurt and can't work. Usually unless they have Aflac or have had it in the past they are unaware of how Aflac works and what all it offers.

Accident policies that pay for on or off the job injuries. Short term disability that offers paycheck protection if you were unable to work due to a sickness or injury. Plans that offer financial assistance for cancer, heart, hospital, or intensive care. Dental and vision insurance. As well as various whole and term life insurance products.

The best part is that when you file an Aflac claim the cash benefits go directly to you. You get to choose how you use the money. The doctor or hospital doesn't get it. We pay you direct!

So go ahead, contact me and let me tell you more about Aflac so you know more then just about the duck!

#Aflac #AflacDuck #AflacBenefits #Supplemental #VoluntaryBenefits #Claims #Insurance #Cancer #Accident #Hospital #Dental #Benefits

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